Silver Stories™
Is it time to share your wisdom?
Have you traveled the world? Did you discover buried treasure? Have you survived cancer or taken care of someone who has? Did you raise the one kid who called for a school-wide strike or made a mess of Aisle 10 in the supermarket? You’ve got the makings of a story there!
If you’re yearning to leave a written legacy, shake the sand from your personal letters and stories and join Eleyne-Mari Sharp at her virtual memoir writing spa for seniors.
Silver Stories™
TYPE: audio writing course for seniors
THEME: legacy writing and memoir
INCLUDES: 25 recorded lessons with writing prompts, 120-page Writing workbook PDF, 55-page Spa manual PDF, and schedules for 7-day and 4-week memoir writing spa programs
WRITING LEVEL: beginning and experienced
The gift of being a "Silver" sage
How to increase your sensory memories
How to inspire word heirlooms with the colors of seaglass
How to write Legacy Letters to be treasured
How to soothe your soul with aromatherapy, meditation, spa recipes, and journaling
COST: $65