I was so excited when I received my brand new deck of Starseed Oracle cards. Not that I don’t have, like, thirty decks already, but because this deck had been calling to me for at least a year and I finally got the courage to order it. I felt it was calling me home—not to Rhode Island or even anywhere on Earth. It was calling me to my cosmic home, as in outer space. The stars. E.T. Phone home.
Pretty weird, right? And in case you’re wondering—no, I haven’t been smoking anything. Not during this decade, anyway.
Let’s be honest here. Nobody wants to be labeled as weird. That means you are super strange and many people believe there is no place for weirdness on this planet. So you can imagine my surprise when in one of my daily readings, the message I received from my new oracle cards was to embrace my weirdness!
Hah! As if I haven’t done that already!
Growing up, I never thought of myself as a particularly weird kid. Just expressive. Creative. Imaginative. Colorful. Although if you were to ask someone who knew me, they might say otherwise. Weird is weird, right?
So what makes a person officially weird, you might ask? Do they wear outlandish clothes? Do they say outlandish things? And who, exactly, determines what makes all this weird in the first place? I’ll tell you who. It’s Society.
Back when I was a schoolgirl, Society dictated that normal girls wore their hair a certain way and their skirts a certain length and they never, ever crossed their legs at the knee or burped in public. They drew nice things in art class (like bunnies and butterflies), made conservative dresses in sewing class, and never tried to out-sing anyone in choir. And they most certainly never acted like they were horses, snorting and whinnying as they galloped through the school’s hallowed hallways!
Okay, I did that last thing and I’d do it again if I had to live this life over. My point is that it didn’t take me long to formulate the opinion that Society didn’t want me to venture outside of the box. Society didn’t want me to have fun. Oh, I tried to be good, I really did, but I often felt like Society was lying in wait to prod me into a tiny metal cage with a sign hanging from it that read: "Danger! Too weird to be released."
One of my favorite poems is "When I am an old lady, I shall wear purple." I thought it was amusing in my twenties and now I’m in my sixties, so I guess I’ve reached the appropriate age to act upon it. I read that the actor Peter Sellers had been afraid of the color purple. Can you imagine? Now, some people might think that’s a bit weird!
During my early teens, I went through a Purple phase. My treasures included a stuffed purple cow, purple-haired troll doll, purple rabbit's foot keychain (shameful, but true), purple notebooks, purple feather pens, purple sneakers, purple sweaters, purple earrings, purple fishnet stockings, and a vintage recording about a one-eyed, one-horned, flyin' Purple People Eater.
When my uncle was getting married, I had my heart set on wearing a dark purple and white polka-dotted mini dress to the wedding. Oh, how Mom and I fought over that one! Not because of the length, surprisingly, but the color. It was not wedding appropriate, Mom said. Well, I guess I finally wore her down because I remember sitting in the church pew feeling like a million bucks while feeling sorry for the other guests, looking uncomfortable in their lackluster, powdery pastels. But me? I was having more fun than anyone in Deep Purple!
I used to know a girl named Nancy in high school. We sang in honor choir together and later became a singing duo because our voices complemented each other. Nancy had this long, naturally curly red hair that she would often flip over her shoulder in a dramatic way. She made a lot of her own clothes and wore a lot of purple, which looked great against her amazing hair. I thought she was the coolest person I knew and once we went to a Ray Charles concert together. I didn’t even know who he was before Nancy.
For a time, we were close like sisters and then we had a falling out over a boy, I think. But I’ll never forget how comfortable Nancy seemed in her own skin. Sure, some kids called her weird because of her colorful, mystical, flowy outfits. But to me, Nancy was a role model. She had the courage to show the world just how colorful and unique she was.
Another colorful person was John Lennon. He was The Beatle who said: “It’s weird not to be weird.” But weirdness doesn’t always make you crazy. I mean, how many of our geniuses and visionaries and artists were considered weirdos in their time? I’m talking about you, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Emily Dickinson, Albert Einstein, Howard Hughes, Andy Warhol, Liberace, Janis Joplin, and Michael Jackson!
On The Color Channel on YouTube, there are short videos featuring women who only wear one color, like pink, orange, yellow or blue. They adore these colors and their homes reflect that particular color frequency. They’re happy and free, so is that weird or incredibly smart?
Is it really that weird to surround yourself with the things—and colors—you love? Here in my office of many colors, for example, are my collection of dollhouses and roomboxes, a Harry Potter doll, stuffed fairy doll, seashells, crystals, essential oils, herb apothecary, crystal singing bowl, Tibetan singing bowl, chakra tuning forks, Ocean Drum, tingsha bells, an autumn fairy house, color therapy glasses, color therapy lights, hundreds of self-healing books, a pinwheel, a bag of jacks, and a bottle of bubbles. It’s where I unleash my Inner Child to have fun, write, play, and magically manifest every single day.
Colorful people have colorful lives! We’re bold, and many of us stand out in a crowd because we think outside the box! We’re Highly Creative People who daydream, watch people, lose track of time, and seek new experiences. We are risk takers!
Have you been guided to embrace your weirdness, too? Then join me as a Colorful Creative and let color be your muse! Get out the paints, the makeup, the colorful fabric, and let your imagination flow!