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Are you tired of writing the same old "sounds?" Want to groove to an entirely new and different literary beat?  Here's your chance to pen something fun and freeing! 


In this soulful session, you'll take the stage and experiment with different writing rhythms, whether it's a hot-jazzy poem or a hard-rockin' essay.  There's no censoring or structure here -- only the freedom to explore new words and new ways to communicate on paper. 


Have you lost your creative writing chord?  Come jam with this impromptu group and find your sweet inspiration!  (Bring your own writing instruments PLUS your work-in-progress--a short story, essay or poem.)


Writers’ Jam is an innovative writing workshop, created by Eleyne-Mari Sharp.  In addition to sharing their writing, students can have fun designing the set (an old jazz club with stage, microphone and spotlight) and selecting the background jazz music.


FIRST SET:   Writing Prompts

SECOND SET:   Open Mike

THIRD SET:   Picture Prompt



Zip file contains: 1 Writers’ Jam script for emcee (usually the teacher), 8 PowerPoint slides, Open Mike signup sheet, Writers’ Jam poster, 4 royalty-free music clips and suggestions for Writers’ Jam décor, music, and format.

Writers’ Jam Kit

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