
September 2024
Imagine it is a cool Full Moon night in September.
You are sitting around a blazing campfire with a circle of friends, all there to support and accept wisdom from each other. The intentions are simple: What are your dreams? Your challenges? How can your group be a source of healing and inspiration?
Ever since humanity discovered fire and what to do with all those massive boulders, we have sought connection in circles. Perhaps you remember joining a circle to play a game of marbles, "Musical Chairs" or "Duck, Duck, Goose." Or maybe you took part in a circle exercise led by your teacher, scoutmaster or spiritual leader.
On August 20, I had the privilege to join thousands of people in a global intention circle to help heal the divisions in our country. The energy was amazing and it is easily one of the most rewarding activities I have done this year.
Author Neale Donald Walsh said: "Life proceeds out of your intention. Your true intention is revealed by your actions, and your actions are determined by your true intention. As with everything in life (and life itself), it is a circle."
For years, I have witnessed the community-building power of the circle. I enjoyed facilitating critique and Moonwriting circles for writers, as well as color healing circles for holistic practitioners. But that was a long time ago.
I am excited to announce that on Tuesday, September 17 (the Full Moon), I will open the first virtual moon circle of Intention Writers on Zoom at 8PM Eastern Time!
Based upon Lynne McTaggart's "Power of 8" intention program, Intention Writers will meet on the full and new moons every month to visualize, manifest, and amplify our writing projects.
To support conscious writers, I've also created a virtual private "campfire," where we share our writing progress, wellness challenges, and inspiring muses (like literature, music, journaling, writing prompts, and the Moon.) Periodically, I’ll be hosting free Moonwriting events.
Are you tired of crashing into writing roadblocks? Could you use some positive encouragement? Join me for the inaugural moon circle of Intention Writers! You don’t have to be a published writer, just heart-centered and committed.
Since I will be leading only two moon circles per month (and space will be limited to keep the circle intimate), please email me for details at writelighter@yahoo.com by September 15. Intention Writers is holding space for you!